

Clinics Online connects vetted and qualified clinicians to patients who are unable to attend in person appointments or who prefer the convenience and immediacy offered by an online consultation

Our team of clinicians and therapists come from wide-ranging backgrounds across medicine, sports healthcare, allied healthcare professions, and complementary and alternative healthcare.

We have grown our team gradually and carefully to ensure that all of our practitioners deliver the exceptional service that we expect for our patients. Each team member is clinically skilled and experienced, passionate about patient care, and committed to the integrated approach to health that we know delivers the best possible results.

Our clinicians are supported by our exceptional administrative team and all of our patients are looked after by our ‘Patient Experience’ team whose friendly professionalism is second to none.

Meet Our Network Of Clinicians

Our Team are at the heart of everything we do, and are responsible for helping over 10,000 patients get positive outcomes.
Every clinician is vetted and qualified in their area of expertise, we only ever connect you with trusted healthcare professionals
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